
Square One

Tom Petty的作品再一首,也是他特別為電影Elizabethtown而寫的, 同時也獲得2006年葛萊美電影音樂獎提名。

大概因為電影的關係,這首Square One在台灣知道的人也多一些。 有別於Tom Petty一貫的搖滾曲風,整首歌走的是輕柔的小品路線, 吉他的伴奏不但襯托出Tom Petty 歷經歲月洗禮卻依然真誠的聲音,更讓歌詞有種極致的純粹感,是一首會想一聽再聽的歌。

"square one" 意謂起點。歌詞簡單地陳述人生無可避免的不如意事,真實而貼切。一句 "you won and you're so lost" 簡單卻有深刻的意義 (另一版本是 "you won and you also lost",不確定哪個是正確的,意思略有出入但同樣有它的道理在)。整首歌聽下來,看似悲觀的歌詞流露出無能為力之感,隱於其後,Tom Petty真正想表達的其實是面對困境時不輕言放棄的一種堅持態度。

也許失去一些,也許面臨困境,也許 life sucks;回到原點,其實我們還是擁有很多。

Square One, by Tom Petty

Had to find some higher ground
Had some fear to get around
You can't say what you don't know
Later on won't work no more

Last time through I hid my tracks
So well I could not get back
Yeah my way was hard to find
Can't sell your soul for peace of mind

Square one, my slate is clear
Rest your head on me my dear
It took a world of trouble, took a world of tears
It took a long time to get back here

Tried so hard to stand alone
Struggled to see past my nose
Always had more dogs than bones
I could never wear those clothes

It's a dark victory
You won and you're so lost
Told us you were satisfied, but it never came across

Square one, my slate is clear
Rest your head on me my dear
It took a world of trouble, took a world of tears
It took a long time to get back here
