
The Last Dj

這首歌是搖滾界另一經典傳奇 Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers 在2002年發行的專輯主打歌,算是籍由電台的經營方式針砭流行樂壇一些空泛現象,歌詞的涵義甚至引起一些地區性的電台拒絕播放這首歌。也有人說歌詞裡的DJ真有其人,不過我一直無法證實這點(如果真的是美國某電台DJ,就算知道名字我想我還是不知道他老兄到底是何許人也)。


不過第一次聽這首歌時並未特別注意歌詞的意思,只是單純喜歡它輕快的曲調和Tom Petty慵懶隨意的聲音,雖然聽得出來有點年紀,但他的歌聲並未因此而扣分,反而自有一種灑脫的特質。後來在Youtube 上找到在錄音室錄這首歌的影片,也許是表情的關係吧,Tom Petty的聲音在影片裡聽起來更有吸引力。年近半百的五個人在過程中流露出的默契也賦予這首歌強烈的生命力,雖然不是樂團最初的組合,但彼此間眼神的交流與互動看起來依然相當完美和諧,不必說話也能心領神會。此外樂器彈奏的部份也非常精采,功力之強差不多閉著眼睛都能表演了,有幾個地方指法看來頗不容易,雖然對我而言每個音都很難……總之,很敬佩這幾位大叔,希望他們保持嚼土豆的精神繼續創作更多好作品!

The Last DJ, by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

Well you can't turn him into a company man
You can't turn him into a whore
And the boys upstairs just don't understand anymore
Well the top brass don't like him talking so much,
And he won't play what they say to play
And he don't want to change what don't need to change

There goes the last DJ
Who plays what he wants to play
And says what he wants to say, hey hey hey...

And there goes your freedom of choice
There goes the last human voice
There goes the last DJ

Well some folks say they're gonna hang him so high
'Cause you just can't do what he did
There're some things you just can't put in the minds of those kids

As we celebrate mediocrity all the boys upstairs want to see
How much you'll pay for what you used to get for free

There goes the last DJ
Who plays what he wants to play
And says what he wants to say, hey hey hey...

And there goes your freedom of choice
There goes the last human voice
And there goes the last DJ

Well he got him a station down in Mexico
And sometimes it'll kind of come in
And I'll bust a move and remember how it was back then

And there goes the last DJ
Who plays what he wants to play
And says what he wants to say, hey hey hey...

And there goes your freedom of choice
There goes the last human voice.
And there goes the last DJ
