這首「Just a little insane」雖然不是第一主打,但朗朗上口的旋律和輕快的節奏的組合起來相當地耐聽;整首歌的節奏偏快,但 Kristofer 唱起來卻是輕鬆自在,沒有一絲絲的急促。歌詞的部份我也很喜歡,它呈現勇敢、不顧一切的態度,帶著一點自負卻不至於囂張,充滿了大無畏的氣勢;尤其 Kristofer 聲音裡一份冷靜的特質讓它聽起來好像真有那麼一點瘋狂的感覺,相得益彰。總之這是我個人覺得值得一聽的一首歌,也許大家的感受不見得和我相同,不過我相信它帶來一些特別的感覺,當然,這是要用心去體會的。
Just a little insane by Kristofer Arstom
All those trails leades to anywhere else nothing's gonna keep from me gettin' away every situation that I've never been through is gonna be the sacred path to you
Livin' on the hope of about anything else lonesome valley or the city street lights Picking up our years, whatever passes by even if it's not right or half alive
I went down down down down to the rainaway town down dooooown just a little insane but ahead of the game
Fed up with the people I use to hold dear looking for reaction in a dead end tear everybody's telling me that I should give it up but I feed on broken dreams alot
Only if you know me can you help me you say lookin' for the surface always in the wrong way better hold on to whatever you have you say it's easier if you don't have it all
I went down down down down to the rainaway town down dooooown just a little insane but ahead of the game
And all that i found was the other way around don't come to near don't feed my fear now everything's been said
Just a little insane but ahead of the game
I went down down down down to the rainaway town down dooooown
Just a little insane but ahead of the game (repeat)